Someone needs to beat the crap out of Blockshopper Chairman Timothy Landon!
69 days ago by Imtickedoff will not take my info off the internet...
so for all of you people out there who are getting the run around with them...
here is the CEO's info...
Timothy Landon
2704 Bennett
Evanston, Illinois
spread it around, call him, call your attorney general, Homeland Seurity, every real estate board
you can think of all their advertiser and let them see the blogs of people who want OFF their site.
65 days ago by aa16897
I, too, am horrified to learn that not only have they advertised my property, but also list our full names along with an aerial photo of the exact location of our property. This is a clear danger of not just identity theft, but to our physical health and well-being. I have contacted them but to-date they have not removed the information. It seems that there should be something illegal to list a property with full disclosure of the owner names. By the way, our property has NEVER been listed for sale and is 10 years old. I question the purpose of the listing and their overall integrity.
64 days ago by rlalic8
I am very upset with blockshoppers staff. I emailed;;; and informed that due to the security of my job and me having such a rare name that no other female have, if they can remove my name from there site. They informed me its "public information". I kindly asked again and informed them that I was just promoted to a high risk job and which is located one city away from my home. I also informed them that i receive threats and they have placed me and my family in risk. But they didnt seem to care.
I believe we should file a class action lawsuit. I know there are others out there with the same concern.
43 days ago by 42sharlet
I too have made requests of this company to remove my name; explaining that I have been a victim of a stalker in the past and that publishing my name with my home address puts me and my family in danger. They refused, short of me sending them legal documents, restraining orders etc. As this company has proven their complete lack of ethics already- I'm certainly not going to trust them with further personal information!
I've been writing to all of my legislative representatives and my state governor. I have drafted a letter that can be used as a form letter for this purpose. I have also drafted a letter to send to advertisers that can be used to ask them to stop advertising with these people; helping remove their advertising $$ is probably the only way to slow them down until some legal action takes place to stop this.
43 days ago by tcagin
Here is an email sent out as a chain email a few months ago.
It was on the blockshoppervictim site, until Blockshopper's attorney's forced the web host to take the site down.
Pass this on, and follow the suggestions- Hopefully these people can be stopped.
Dear all,
I'm not one to take part in chain emails, or public crusades for that matter. For those of you who know me, despite my political convictions, you know I'm far too busy for such activity. Further, that governmental intervention is usually the last thing I look or hope for.
When Googling your name, typically there is a lot of interesting information available. However, a new site, outdoes it all. Blockshopper passes themselves off to be a "Real Estate" site with a twist- they utilize information obtained from public databases and social websites such as Facebook, Linkedin, etc..., and create stories about those buying or selling their house.
Blockshopper mines public databases such as those of county records, and if your house is not in trust, they create a special web page just for you (really just for them)- complete with yours and your spouses name, home address, and what you paid for your home. A map pointing out your home is always included. Further, they SEO (search engine optimaize) the page so that it comes up on the first or second page of Google should a search be accomplished on your name.
If you're really lucky, as so many seem to be, there will be a corresponding article about you, your spouse, both of your job histories, your children and where they go to school.
Blockshopper does not return telephone calls, and refuses to allow an opt-out since Real Estate information is "public". "There is no legal requirement to remove information", touted one of their founders, Brian Timpone of Chicago in an interview.
There is a way to remove your current address from Blockshopper and thus Google- move. (I'm told that sealing your public record with a court order is a possibility, though difficult to accomplish.) Putting your house in trust after the fact doesn't work- they keep the last known names on their special page.
While I do not wish to debate the legalities of their 1st amendment claims, one thing is clear: In the past, one would have to know where you lived to pull up information about your home address from the appropriate county web site. Just a few years ago, they would have needed to obtain the information from County Records via standard mail. Now, courtesy of Blockshopper, a single Google Search will provide such information via your specially created page on Blockshopper.
I pulled mine up (my last name in this email is an alias) while in Europe last week- no article, but the basic information was there- and on the second Google search page with a title in big letters. Personally I'm of the believe that publicly available doesn't necessarily mean readily and instantly available.
Just your name and Google- and it will be on the first couple of search pages from anywhere in the world.
There has already been at least one attack reported due to the site's callousness:
Though I can not confirm that the story is true, it most certainly could be.
I would encourage the following:
Exercise your right to the first amendment, and at the very least send this to as many people on your email list as possible.
If you are a Realtor, let Blockshoper know you will not work with them until they offer an opt-out. Tell your national association how you feel.
If you work with or use products from those who advertise on their site, be sure to let them know you are boycotting them.
Let organizations for missing and battered women and children know about Blockshopper.
Pull up your favorite congressman- then let them know how you feel by including the Blockshopper information obtained off of Google/Blockshopper in the letter.
And if you're feeling really creative, a Youtube video like "United Breaks Guitars" could make national news. Dave Carroll brought one of the worlds largest airlines to its knees for wrecking a ~$500 guitar, and not reimbursing him.
Lastly, feel free to let the owners of Blockshopper know how you feel- though I most certainly do not condone behavior encouraged by the following sites, their home addresses and phone can be found here:
Blockshopper has options which would show decency, while maintaining their business model- they could keep the stories (basic information if there is no story attached) and remove last names and children by request. They simply choose not to, since they feel they have "no legal obligation".
Thank you for your help, and I hope with enough pressure, something will be done before more acts of violence against every day people take place; people like your family and mine.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
More People Angry About and Douchebags Brian Timpone and Edward Weinhaus
Jennifer of Marina del Rey, CA October 27, 2009 is a complete invasion of my privacy and puts my personal safety at risk. While they say "it's public record." I have the right to give my consent or not to blast to the world via the Internet my personal information. This site needs an "opt out" or to be shut down.
Laura of Henderson, NV October 20, 2009
I also googled myself and was horrified to see as the second listing, my name, address, and how much I paid for my house. When you click on the link, you can also send me a message (somehow).. I emailed Scarlett S and nicely asked her to take my info off the google search. As a single women, living alone I am very sensitive to my personal information being too accessible. She wrote me a curt response telling me it is public information and they have every right to post it. and refused to take me off the web site.
I wrote back agreeing it was public info but if I DO NOT want it posted they should respect my privacy wishes and remove me since they are NOT a .gov or .org county or state web site, they are a for-profit site, profiting off ad space for MY info! and i also reminded her that they removed the info for Day J (due to his lawsuit) and I deserve the same courtesy. No response from her after that. is anyone looking into a class action suit. I am interesting if so. I agree its public info but if you can be unlisted in a phone book then we should be removed from this site if we wish.
Todd of Chicago, IL October 20, 2009
These people create a separate web page for every single name associated with every real estate transaction. I pulled my name up while in Europe- it was on the first Google search page. Blockshopper refused to remove my name, citing freedom speech. This regardless of the fact that I have serious concerns for the well being of my family due to the business I am in, and prior crimes already committed and targeted against those in my industry. Whether they have "freedom" or not to publish such information, the way they are doing it is most assuredly a violation of Google's policies.
Charlie of Lindenhusrt, NY October 18, 2009
My house address and personal info is displayed on this website.
Andrea of chandler, AZ October 13, 2009
I have been a victim of cyber crime. Periodically, I check my online prescence for my personal safety. To my horror, a simple Google search brought up my name, along with all of my personal information. I emailed a simple request to have my name omitted from the site. I would have been content to have my name and phone number replaced with a generic 'a****a' or 'anonymous' or 'withdrawn' as a placeholder next to my address. This would not compromise the accuracy of blockshopper's database while retaining the public's safety. My request was denied.
Consequently my privacy, financial security, physical security, and identity security are further compromised than need be. Additionally, my information is more easily accessible to mailing lists. I have been exploited without my knowledge or consent.
Martha of Glendale, CA October 12, 2009
I will be going back to work soon so I thought I should google my name to see if anything dodgy had been posted about me. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that a website called Blockshopper had my name and address posted (along with a photo of my home) for the world to see.
Citing that the info is public record, Blockshopper will not remove names, even when requested to do so. This is an egregious invasion of my privacy. Doesn't anyone remember when actress Rebecca Schaeffer was murdered on her doorstep because a crazed stalker found her address from the DMV? If there is a class action suit assembling, please count me in! My privacy has been seriously compromised!
Vivian of Encino, CA October 5, 2009
Our names, address etc should not showed in public or should give us an option to opt out without our consent. Someone might stalk an individual.
Balarie of South Pasadena, CA October 3, 2009 is the reason for several legal suits brought against me. No one knew that I was a homeowner until Los Angeles Blockshopper continuously over the years, exposed the information. Monetary damages, stress and strain. On top of it all I am a victim of abuse! This violation of privacy keeps me vulnerable.
Jasamyn of Chicago, IL October 1, 2009
This company is listing personal information - full name, address, purchase price of my home on a public page. When my name is googled, all of my private information is accessed on the second page of the google search. This is a breech of privacy. I called and emailed to get my information removed and was told this was public domain and that anything in public records can be posted. I have seen several complaints on this and want to know what can be done to stop this company from posting private information.
Cheryl of Las Vegas, NV September 28, 2009
I just recently came upon this website Moreover I had googled my name and city and came upon my full name and address listed. I do not have my name and address published in the phone book and do not wish to have that information displayed for all the public. I have contacted Scarlette Simpson via email and she was no help. I researched this company and see many individuals with complaints and lawsuits. Id like to know how I can be deleted from their website or if this is possible.
Nate of Cerritos, CA September 17, 2009
lists real estate and deed and title information. blockshopper probably gets this information from public records, BUT individuals listed should all have the ability to 'opt-out'
Walt of Beverly Hills, CA September 13, 2009
I amongst many are complaining about Blockshopper refusing to remove my personal address from a google link to their website. My name should not be advertising Blockshopper. They need to pay me to use my name as a link to their website. What I find alarming is that all anyone in the world has to do is google my name and up pops my personal address. All the other cites will remove my address if I request, but not this bunch at Blockshopper. They are causing people needless grief. They are frightening people because the innocent public is now open to cyber staulking, cyber fraud, etc. I cannot belief this Blockshopper is still in business. I am happy to join a class action lawsuit against them. I know Jones Day law firm sued them in Chicago, and Blockshopper was forced to remove the attorneys' info from the Blockshopper link.
Theresa of Des Plaines, IL September 13, 2009 isn't publishing our information for the purpose of selling real estate. They make money with every click and are using our names and putting us at risk for the purposes of making a buck. These people are despicable. The laws need to change. Contact all your elected officials, contact everyone you know and tell them to do the same. Contact the media. Contact their advertisers and agents. Spread the word and expose these evil people for what they are. My address is now available to the world.
Lauren of t, IL September 10, 2009 gleens other websites to get real estate info to put on their site...for the sole purpose of selling advertising dollars. if you request to opt-out, they say no. they have put peoples' lives at risk and still, nothing. I have called the FTC today and reported them and will keep calling all their advertisers, realtors etc. to get them to realize, this 3 man, 1 woman company is a 'joke' ...and not why would anyone want to be associated with that? especially, Lifelock, Disney, Wells Fargo, Swarofski, Bank of America and realtors?
Nancy of Valencia, CA September 4, 2009
I googled my name and it brought up my address on the front page of the search. I am a single woman who does not give out my address to stangers! This is unsafe and a violation of my privacy please make them cease and desist. anyone could come to my door to find me. uncool.
Vanessa of Culver City, CA September 2, 2009
The website publishes my full name with my home address along with the amount that I purchased my home for all with the intent of gaining profit from the information. I requested my name be taken off the website, and was told it is public information.
MT of lindenhurst, NY September 2, 2009 posts peoples personal information as far as address, their property purchase price and date of property purchase. I have contacted Federal Trade Commission about it but they do not take individual complaints. So I need a group of people to file complaint with FTC. I see a lot of complaint about here. They do not call or write back.
rlalic8 of long beach, CA September 1, 2009
I am interested in a class lawsuit. I have sent the staff of blockshoppers (Scarlett, brian, drew, timothy l., rob) serveral emails pertaining the risk they have placed my family in by listing my complete address. I informed them that I work in a banking center which requires me to open and close down a center that carries a ton of money. They were also informed that I have a unique name that no other women has.
I also informed them that I live one city away from my job and based on my job functions I recieve threats and anyone at anytime can locate me. There responses were "its public information".
B of S, CA August 30, 2009
If can put up information with disregard to peoples' privacies, then they shouldn't be so unhappy when they see themselves over and over and over and a NEGATIVE light on Google...which states this very thought...(that gets to put on the web every public record they can find). Well, I say FINE ! Everyone should keep writing how UN-Happy they are that will NOT remove that information... Let's see how Happy THEY are when their AD DOLLARS go DOWN and DOWN and Down.... don't get mad....get even ! Nothing's just Business! The business of getting EVEN !!!
Lauren of A, NM August 30, 2009 will not even entertain the idea of removing your information upon request. Advertisers should consider this before signing on with them.
Heddy of s, AZ August 28, 2009
After being victimized and moving, with an UP number, I see my address on - asked to be removed. no one has the courtesy to do it or return an email or call. I am NOW posting the CEO"s family address and phone to see HOW HE LIKES IT!
jennifer of hollywood, CA August 27, 2009
This company legally post public information on individuals as related to real estate transactions. The problem is they make it readily available through a simple google search. With Public records you generally have to go down to county records to pull this info. This site makes it easy for stalkers to show up on your doorstep. There have been several victims whom have complaint. One lady was running from an ex and he found her through and showed up on her doorstep.
is there anything that can be down to shut this site down? OR have them make it more difficult to get your personal info. Safety and welfare of children living in the home would be my first concern.
Sherry of Littlerock, CA July 27, 2009
I was informed by a friend that Googling my name revealed my FULL name, FULL home address, a PICTURE of my house, what I originally paid for it and the name of the previous owner. I do not appreciate my privacy being invaded like this!! I realize that we live in a time when protecting one's privacy is a challenge, however it SHOULDN'T be! I never granted my permission to blockshopper to use my information publicly. They should be sued for their blatant disrespect of privacy.
Simon of Newport News, VA July 25, 2009
Blockshopper, claims to list publicly available information online. This is fine. WHAT IS NOT FINE IS MAKE THIS INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH A SINGLE NAME SEARCH IN GOOGLE. IF I WANT TO KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, BLOCK SHOPPER WILL TELL ME. I tried to explain this to the stupid Scarlett but she does not care. (They always don't until sued)
Pamela of Lancaster, CA June 23, 2009
This website is displaying property information as well as names of property owners on their website. My information is mentioned there along with the address and picture of my property without my consent, posing a danger to me and my family. Please have them remove our names immediately.
Shauna of Los Angeles, CA June 11, 2009
Display my home address when someone Googles my name. This is negligent and poses undue risk to consumer. I have tried to contact them to get my name removed. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT THIS SITE!
Tommy of Denton, TX May 11, 2009
The collection agency placed a collection on my credit report claiming that I owed BMG 95 for some CD's back in 2005. I havent lived at that address since early 2005 when I sold the house. I tried to get additional information from the collection agency, but they had no information, no ss#, no id info, so signiture, no invoice.
I dont understand how a company like this can get away with collecting on something that I have no clue was every purchased. I've asked the collection agency to give me an invoice number or a company number to this BMG company and they could not help me. This has seriously affected my credit on something that even the collection agency doesnt have other than my name and old address.
John of Orland Park, IL May 8, 2009 has listed my address as well as every address on my street with the owner or tax payers name. My address needs to be kept personal as my life can be in danger if it falls into the wrong hands. The house is actually NOT in my name, the Taxes on the house were changed, never the less when anyone searches MY NAME, the address I live at pops up. I have "signed up" on which stated that I would have "access to privacy controls" that DO NOT EXIST! I had emailed them many times, left one voice mail, one reply to email was that I would be put on a list. This is NOT good at all. Remove my name and ADDRESS!
Mar of Ny, NY March 31, 2009
Site reports public information which can be accessible by a search engine. This gives anyone with a computer access to the addresses of others. Invades the privacy of the individual.
Read more: is a complete invasion of my privacy and puts my personal safety at risk. While they say "it's public record." I have the right to give my consent or not to blast to the world via the Internet my personal information. This site needs an "opt out" or to be shut down.
Laura of Henderson, NV October 20, 2009
I also googled myself and was horrified to see as the second listing, my name, address, and how much I paid for my house. When you click on the link, you can also send me a message (somehow).. I emailed Scarlett S and nicely asked her to take my info off the google search. As a single women, living alone I am very sensitive to my personal information being too accessible. She wrote me a curt response telling me it is public information and they have every right to post it. and refused to take me off the web site.
I wrote back agreeing it was public info but if I DO NOT want it posted they should respect my privacy wishes and remove me since they are NOT a .gov or .org county or state web site, they are a for-profit site, profiting off ad space for MY info! and i also reminded her that they removed the info for Day J (due to his lawsuit) and I deserve the same courtesy. No response from her after that. is anyone looking into a class action suit. I am interesting if so. I agree its public info but if you can be unlisted in a phone book then we should be removed from this site if we wish.
Todd of Chicago, IL October 20, 2009
These people create a separate web page for every single name associated with every real estate transaction. I pulled my name up while in Europe- it was on the first Google search page. Blockshopper refused to remove my name, citing freedom speech. This regardless of the fact that I have serious concerns for the well being of my family due to the business I am in, and prior crimes already committed and targeted against those in my industry. Whether they have "freedom" or not to publish such information, the way they are doing it is most assuredly a violation of Google's policies.
Charlie of Lindenhusrt, NY October 18, 2009
My house address and personal info is displayed on this website.
Andrea of chandler, AZ October 13, 2009
I have been a victim of cyber crime. Periodically, I check my online prescence for my personal safety. To my horror, a simple Google search brought up my name, along with all of my personal information. I emailed a simple request to have my name omitted from the site. I would have been content to have my name and phone number replaced with a generic 'a****a' or 'anonymous' or 'withdrawn' as a placeholder next to my address. This would not compromise the accuracy of blockshopper's database while retaining the public's safety. My request was denied.
Consequently my privacy, financial security, physical security, and identity security are further compromised than need be. Additionally, my information is more easily accessible to mailing lists. I have been exploited without my knowledge or consent.
Martha of Glendale, CA October 12, 2009
I will be going back to work soon so I thought I should google my name to see if anything dodgy had been posted about me. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that a website called Blockshopper had my name and address posted (along with a photo of my home) for the world to see.
Citing that the info is public record, Blockshopper will not remove names, even when requested to do so. This is an egregious invasion of my privacy. Doesn't anyone remember when actress Rebecca Schaeffer was murdered on her doorstep because a crazed stalker found her address from the DMV? If there is a class action suit assembling, please count me in! My privacy has been seriously compromised!
Vivian of Encino, CA October 5, 2009
Our names, address etc should not showed in public or should give us an option to opt out without our consent. Someone might stalk an individual.
Balarie of South Pasadena, CA October 3, 2009 is the reason for several legal suits brought against me. No one knew that I was a homeowner until Los Angeles Blockshopper continuously over the years, exposed the information. Monetary damages, stress and strain. On top of it all I am a victim of abuse! This violation of privacy keeps me vulnerable.
Jasamyn of Chicago, IL October 1, 2009
This company is listing personal information - full name, address, purchase price of my home on a public page. When my name is googled, all of my private information is accessed on the second page of the google search. This is a breech of privacy. I called and emailed to get my information removed and was told this was public domain and that anything in public records can be posted. I have seen several complaints on this and want to know what can be done to stop this company from posting private information.
Cheryl of Las Vegas, NV September 28, 2009
I just recently came upon this website Moreover I had googled my name and city and came upon my full name and address listed. I do not have my name and address published in the phone book and do not wish to have that information displayed for all the public. I have contacted Scarlette Simpson via email and she was no help. I researched this company and see many individuals with complaints and lawsuits. Id like to know how I can be deleted from their website or if this is possible.
Nate of Cerritos, CA September 17, 2009
lists real estate and deed and title information. blockshopper probably gets this information from public records, BUT individuals listed should all have the ability to 'opt-out'
Walt of Beverly Hills, CA September 13, 2009
I amongst many are complaining about Blockshopper refusing to remove my personal address from a google link to their website. My name should not be advertising Blockshopper. They need to pay me to use my name as a link to their website. What I find alarming is that all anyone in the world has to do is google my name and up pops my personal address. All the other cites will remove my address if I request, but not this bunch at Blockshopper. They are causing people needless grief. They are frightening people because the innocent public is now open to cyber staulking, cyber fraud, etc. I cannot belief this Blockshopper is still in business. I am happy to join a class action lawsuit against them. I know Jones Day law firm sued them in Chicago, and Blockshopper was forced to remove the attorneys' info from the Blockshopper link.
Theresa of Des Plaines, IL September 13, 2009 isn't publishing our information for the purpose of selling real estate. They make money with every click and are using our names and putting us at risk for the purposes of making a buck. These people are despicable. The laws need to change. Contact all your elected officials, contact everyone you know and tell them to do the same. Contact the media. Contact their advertisers and agents. Spread the word and expose these evil people for what they are. My address is now available to the world.
Lauren of t, IL September 10, 2009 gleens other websites to get real estate info to put on their site...for the sole purpose of selling advertising dollars. if you request to opt-out, they say no. they have put peoples' lives at risk and still, nothing. I have called the FTC today and reported them and will keep calling all their advertisers, realtors etc. to get them to realize, this 3 man, 1 woman company is a 'joke' ...and not why would anyone want to be associated with that? especially, Lifelock, Disney, Wells Fargo, Swarofski, Bank of America and realtors?
Nancy of Valencia, CA September 4, 2009
I googled my name and it brought up my address on the front page of the search. I am a single woman who does not give out my address to stangers! This is unsafe and a violation of my privacy please make them cease and desist. anyone could come to my door to find me. uncool.
Vanessa of Culver City, CA September 2, 2009
The website publishes my full name with my home address along with the amount that I purchased my home for all with the intent of gaining profit from the information. I requested my name be taken off the website, and was told it is public information.
MT of lindenhurst, NY September 2, 2009 posts peoples personal information as far as address, their property purchase price and date of property purchase. I have contacted Federal Trade Commission about it but they do not take individual complaints. So I need a group of people to file complaint with FTC. I see a lot of complaint about here. They do not call or write back.
rlalic8 of long beach, CA September 1, 2009
I am interested in a class lawsuit. I have sent the staff of blockshoppers (Scarlett, brian, drew, timothy l., rob) serveral emails pertaining the risk they have placed my family in by listing my complete address. I informed them that I work in a banking center which requires me to open and close down a center that carries a ton of money. They were also informed that I have a unique name that no other women has.
I also informed them that I live one city away from my job and based on my job functions I recieve threats and anyone at anytime can locate me. There responses were "its public information".
B of S, CA August 30, 2009
If can put up information with disregard to peoples' privacies, then they shouldn't be so unhappy when they see themselves over and over and over and a NEGATIVE light on Google...which states this very thought...(that gets to put on the web every public record they can find). Well, I say FINE ! Everyone should keep writing how UN-Happy they are that will NOT remove that information... Let's see how Happy THEY are when their AD DOLLARS go DOWN and DOWN and Down.... don't get mad....get even ! Nothing's just Business! The business of getting EVEN !!!
Lauren of A, NM August 30, 2009 will not even entertain the idea of removing your information upon request. Advertisers should consider this before signing on with them.
Heddy of s, AZ August 28, 2009
After being victimized and moving, with an UP number, I see my address on - asked to be removed. no one has the courtesy to do it or return an email or call. I am NOW posting the CEO"s family address and phone to see HOW HE LIKES IT!
jennifer of hollywood, CA August 27, 2009
This company legally post public information on individuals as related to real estate transactions. The problem is they make it readily available through a simple google search. With Public records you generally have to go down to county records to pull this info. This site makes it easy for stalkers to show up on your doorstep. There have been several victims whom have complaint. One lady was running from an ex and he found her through and showed up on her doorstep.
is there anything that can be down to shut this site down? OR have them make it more difficult to get your personal info. Safety and welfare of children living in the home would be my first concern.
Sherry of Littlerock, CA July 27, 2009
I was informed by a friend that Googling my name revealed my FULL name, FULL home address, a PICTURE of my house, what I originally paid for it and the name of the previous owner. I do not appreciate my privacy being invaded like this!! I realize that we live in a time when protecting one's privacy is a challenge, however it SHOULDN'T be! I never granted my permission to blockshopper to use my information publicly. They should be sued for their blatant disrespect of privacy.
Simon of Newport News, VA July 25, 2009
Blockshopper, claims to list publicly available information online. This is fine. WHAT IS NOT FINE IS MAKE THIS INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH A SINGLE NAME SEARCH IN GOOGLE. IF I WANT TO KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, BLOCK SHOPPER WILL TELL ME. I tried to explain this to the stupid Scarlett but she does not care. (They always don't until sued)
Pamela of Lancaster, CA June 23, 2009
This website is displaying property information as well as names of property owners on their website. My information is mentioned there along with the address and picture of my property without my consent, posing a danger to me and my family. Please have them remove our names immediately.
Shauna of Los Angeles, CA June 11, 2009
Display my home address when someone Googles my name. This is negligent and poses undue risk to consumer. I have tried to contact them to get my name removed. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT THIS SITE!
Tommy of Denton, TX May 11, 2009
The collection agency placed a collection on my credit report claiming that I owed BMG 95 for some CD's back in 2005. I havent lived at that address since early 2005 when I sold the house. I tried to get additional information from the collection agency, but they had no information, no ss#, no id info, so signiture, no invoice.
I dont understand how a company like this can get away with collecting on something that I have no clue was every purchased. I've asked the collection agency to give me an invoice number or a company number to this BMG company and they could not help me. This has seriously affected my credit on something that even the collection agency doesnt have other than my name and old address.
John of Orland Park, IL May 8, 2009 has listed my address as well as every address on my street with the owner or tax payers name. My address needs to be kept personal as my life can be in danger if it falls into the wrong hands. The house is actually NOT in my name, the Taxes on the house were changed, never the less when anyone searches MY NAME, the address I live at pops up. I have "signed up" on which stated that I would have "access to privacy controls" that DO NOT EXIST! I had emailed them many times, left one voice mail, one reply to email was that I would be put on a list. This is NOT good at all. Remove my name and ADDRESS!
Mar of Ny, NY March 31, 2009
Site reports public information which can be accessible by a search engine. This gives anyone with a computer access to the addresses of others. Invades the privacy of the individual.
Read more:
Monday, August 10, 2009
New Blockshopper Complaint/Law Suit Message Board
Please visit this new Blockshopper message board. Share your complaints about this horrible organization that has violated your privacy with others. Help organize a class action law suit:
BlockShopper Victim Message Board
See also the owner of that board's main website:
BlockShopper Victim Message Board
See also the owner of that board's main website:
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
New Anti-Blockshopper Site Launched
A new website has just been launched... the momentum is building.
Be sure to check it out and e-mail them and/or post on their message board to find out how you can help put Blockshopper permanently out of business:
Be sure to check it out and e-mail them and/or post on their message board to find out how you can help put Blockshopper permanently out of business:
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
New website features personal info. about Valley homebuyers
Yet another story of innocent, hard working people being exploited by Blockshopper scumbags Brian Timpone and Edward Weinhaus
Reported by: Tim Vetscher
Last Update: 4/29 9:07 am
When Ruth Bassignan put her North Scottsdale home up for sale, she had no idea it would trigger an article on the Internet about her personal life.
'My first reaction was an invasion of my privacy because I didn't know there was information about myself and ex-husband," said Bassignan.
A writer on the website penned a story about Ruth and her ex-husband Gary with the headline Realtors list Scottsdale 5BD.
The story references, among other things, both of their current employers, their past work history and time spent in their respective professions.
All of that information sits just below their home address in the article.
"You're talking about my personal residence, said Bassignan. "I think someone should ask for my permission." essentially tells the stories about who in the Valley is selling and buying homes.
The authors take information about sellers and buyers from Facebook, LinkedIn and Google searches.
They then use it to write news articles about them complete with information about their careers, education, and children. The articles sometimes even include personal pictures.
"They should be asking these people before they put it on the Internet for all to see," said Bassignan.
The founder of said his writers only take information from the public domain and always link to the websites they got it from.
Still, Bassignan doesn't like it.
"They should be asking people if they want their images, their employment, personal background (used)," added Bassignan.
As far as she is concerned, simply selling a house shouldn't make her personal life fodder for news headlines.
Reported by: Tim Vetscher
Last Update: 4/29 9:07 am
When Ruth Bassignan put her North Scottsdale home up for sale, she had no idea it would trigger an article on the Internet about her personal life.
'My first reaction was an invasion of my privacy because I didn't know there was information about myself and ex-husband," said Bassignan.
A writer on the website penned a story about Ruth and her ex-husband Gary with the headline Realtors list Scottsdale 5BD.
The story references, among other things, both of their current employers, their past work history and time spent in their respective professions.
All of that information sits just below their home address in the article.
"You're talking about my personal residence, said Bassignan. "I think someone should ask for my permission." essentially tells the stories about who in the Valley is selling and buying homes.
The authors take information about sellers and buyers from Facebook, LinkedIn and Google searches.
They then use it to write news articles about them complete with information about their careers, education, and children. The articles sometimes even include personal pictures.
"They should be asking these people before they put it on the Internet for all to see," said Bassignan.
The founder of said his writers only take information from the public domain and always link to the websites they got it from.
Still, Bassignan doesn't like it.
"They should be asking people if they want their images, their employment, personal background (used)," added Bassignan.
As far as she is concerned, simply selling a house shouldn't make her personal life fodder for news headlines.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Other Blockshopper Maggots
These losers actually work for You know you've made some bad choices in life when this is the best you can do for yourself. Please post additional details about these pathetic individuals and be sure to let them know what you think of them.
Jeremy Schnitker
City: Chicago
Please post home address, phone, and personal info
Rob Biedermann
Please post home address, phone, and personal info
Carla Andrews (may be a pseudonym)
Please post home address, phone, and personal info
Blockshopper Complaint Lines:
314-485-4882 – St. Louis
312-436-1880 – Chicago
954-903-0284 – Ft. Lauderdale
Jeremy Schnitker
City: Chicago
Please post home address, phone, and personal info
Rob Biedermann
Please post home address, phone, and personal info
Carla Andrews (may be a pseudonym)
Please post home address, phone, and personal info
Blockshopper Complaint Lines:
314-485-4882 – St. Louis
312-436-1880 – Chicago
954-903-0284 – Ft. Lauderdale
Info on Blockshopper scumbag Edward Weinhaus co-founder, the greedy, selfish, money-grubbing jackass Edward Weinhaus and his wife, Natalie B. Weinhaus (you can't help but wonder what type of person would marry a piece of shit like Edward Weinhaus??), bought a five-bedroom, 3.5 bath at 102 Ladue Aire Dr. in Creve Coeur, MO 63141. in June 2007 ... another genius who bought just as real estate prices were about to tank.
Edward Weinhaus' kids attend Parkway West Middle School. From what we hear they are cry-baby wimps.
Be sure to pay Eddie and Natalie Weinhaus a visit when you are in the area, I know we will be...
If you want to send Eddie Weinhaus your thoughts on posting all of your personal information online, his e-mail address is:
Or, just give him a call: 314-283-7770
... isn't "public information" wonderful Eddie? you f-ing prick
Edward Weinhaus' kids attend Parkway West Middle School. From what we hear they are cry-baby wimps.
Be sure to pay Eddie and Natalie Weinhaus a visit when you are in the area, I know we will be...
If you want to send Eddie Weinhaus your thoughts on posting all of your personal information online, his e-mail address is:
Or, just give him a call: 314-283-7770
... isn't "public information" wonderful Eddie? you f-ing prick
Info on Blockshopper scumbag Brian Timpone
Blockshopper piece-of-shit Brian Timpone graduated from University of Missouri in 1995.
Brian Timpone lives in Lincoln Park with his fat ugly wife, Patty, and their three mentally challenged children.
Brian Timpone lives in a 3.1 bath townhome in the Camden Passage complex at 2024 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, IL 60614. He paid $730,000 for it in June 2007. Way to buy at the height of the market, ace.
Brian Timpone and his wife Patty would love for you to stop by and let them know what you think of making all your personal infomation public on Google via his website
You can also e-mail Brian Timpone your thoughts on making all of your personal information public at, or better yet, just give him a call: 877-700-3904
Brian Timpone's political contributions are as follows:
2006: $1000, JOHN MCCAIN 2008 INC. - Republican
2005: $2000, CARPER FOR SENATE - Democrat
2004: $1,000, JACK RYAN FOR US SENATE - Republican
2002: $500, RE-ELECT HAROLD FORD JR - Democrat
Brian Timpone's mother, Helen Timpone, died in June 2008, no doubt due in part to disappointment over what a greedy inconsiderate piece of shit her son turned out to be — a f-ing punk who puts his own personal profit over the privacy and safety of others.
If you see Brian Timpone around Chicago, do us and the thousands of others he's exploited a favor and punch this asshole in the face:
Brian Timpone lives in Lincoln Park with his fat ugly wife, Patty, and their three mentally challenged children.
Brian Timpone lives in a 3.1 bath townhome in the Camden Passage complex at 2024 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, IL 60614. He paid $730,000 for it in June 2007. Way to buy at the height of the market, ace.
Brian Timpone and his wife Patty would love for you to stop by and let them know what you think of making all your personal infomation public on Google via his website
You can also e-mail Brian Timpone your thoughts on making all of your personal information public at, or better yet, just give him a call: 877-700-3904
Brian Timpone's political contributions are as follows:
2006: $1000, JOHN MCCAIN 2008 INC. - Republican
2005: $2000, CARPER FOR SENATE - Democrat
2004: $1,000, JACK RYAN FOR US SENATE - Republican
2002: $500, RE-ELECT HAROLD FORD JR - Democrat
Brian Timpone's mother, Helen Timpone, died in June 2008, no doubt due in part to disappointment over what a greedy inconsiderate piece of shit her son turned out to be — a f-ing punk who puts his own personal profit over the privacy and safety of others.
If you see Brian Timpone around Chicago, do us and the thousands of others he's exploited a favor and punch this asshole in the face:

Blockshopper Scumbags Settle Lawsuit with Jones Day
From "The Plain Dealer" with our comments added.
Jones Day settles lawsuit against small Internet site, defendants say
February 11, 2009 17:19PM
A small Internet site says it has settled a lawsuit filed by the Jones Day law firm - a suit that ignited criticism from bloggers and free speech advocates across the country.
Jones Day wanted to stop, a real estate site, from linking to the law firm's Web site. Jones Day also claimed that Blockshopper's use of the firm's name without permission constituted trademark infringement.
Under the settlement, Blockshopper can continue to link to Jones Day's site, but it must use the firm's Web address as the link.
Blockshopper says it spent more than $100,000 defending itself against the lawsuit.
"They had no shot at winning, but they were going to bleed us dry," said co-founder [and complete piece of human filth] Brian Timpone, who described the settlement Wednesday.
Jones Day did not return calls requesting comment.
BlockShopper posts information from public records on residential sales in 11 U.S. markets. It adds to that brief articles about transactions involving lawyers, doctors and other buyers and sellers whose names show up in Google searches.
[I.e. Blockshopper scumbag pieces of crap Brian Timpone and Edward Edward Weinhaus mine pubic data and post it for their personal profit, with a complete and total disregard for personal privacy and the well being of others. Their "brief articles" are nothing more than a cheesy search engine optimization ploy that mines Linked-in and other personal profile information and posts it on their site to increase their internet traffic through key words.
This isn't a free speech issue, you morons — it's about privacy and not having your address show up in Google and having every jackass, stalker, and nutcase know where you and your family live. While it is true that the information may be posted on assessor's pages, these pages are not indexed by Google.
Furthermore, people concerned about their privacy spend thousands on trusts and LLC's to get their names off of assessor's sites - all a wasted effort thanks to these two f-ing punks. These a-holes don't give a crap about "free speech" - what they care about is making money at other people's expense, regardless of the consequences.
When someone gets raped, a kid gets abducted, or home gets burglarized because some criminal found their address through Blockshopper, LET'S MAKE SURE THESE TWO PIECES OF SHIT GET HELD PERSONALLY LIABLE FOR MAKING THIS PERSONAL INFORMATION APPEAR ON GOOGLE SEARCHES.]
Jones Day sued BlockShopper in August after it posted articles about Dan Malone Jr. and Jacob Tiedt, lawyers at its Chicago office who had recently bought condos. The articles linked to the lawyers' profile pages on the firm's 2,300-attorney site.
Jones Day asserted that the links could give viewers the mistaken impression that it endorsed BlockShopper or was affiliated with it.
Critics scoffed, saying that Jones Day's position was an attack on Blockshopper's First Amendment rights and jeopardized the common practice of linking from one Internet site to another.
The two sides talked about a settlement almost before the ink was dry on Jones Day's suit. Jones Day offered to drop its claim if BlockShopper stopped writing about its lawyers and paid $10,000, Timpone said. BlockShopper refused -- agreeing would have gutted its business model by laying it open to anyone who didn't like a BlockShopper link, he said.
BlockShopper in September offered to "make the link more literal" by including the law firm's Web address -- the terms agreed to this week, Timpone said. At the time, BlockShopper had incurred $10,000 in legal fees.
Jones Day rejected the plan. About four months later, a few weeks before the case was set for trial in Illinois, the two sides agreed to settle, Timpone said. By then BlockShopper had rung up $110,000 in legal fees.
[Piece of shit] Timpone said his 15-employee company made a business decision that it couldn't continue the fight.
"It's harrowing," he said. "I hope nobody has to go through what we went through."
[We'll do whatever we can to make sure that you'll be going through it again and again you F-ing prick.]
Under the settlement, provided to The Plain Dealer by BlockShopper attorney James Klenk, BlockShopper can publish links to Jones Day but they can't be "embedded links." Those are defined as hyperlinks that are placed on a word or name.
Instead, BlockShopper will have to place the Web address next to references to the firm. In other words, instead of writing Daniel P. Malone Jr. is an associate in the Chicago office of Jones Day," BlockShopper must write "Malone ( is an associate . . ." BlockShopper is permitted to use "deep links" to any Jones Day site. Those are links that directly access a specific page beyond the home page, such as attorneys' biographical pages. While the settlement may seem like a fig leaf, it still rankles digital rights proponents who say BlockShopper did nothing illegal.
Links are "one of the accepted methods of dissemination of information on the Internet," Klenk said.
Paul Levy [another complete moron who can't distinguish between free speech and privacy rights], a lawyer with the consumer group Public Citizen, encouraged people to "replicate the lesson to Jones Day" by posting hyperlinks to the firm "as a way of daring, 'Big boy, try it again.'" While the case was pending, BlockShopper agreed to remove links to the condo-buying associates in Chicago.
Now those postings will go back up, along with listings of property transactions by other Jones Day lawyers, [pathetic loser] Timpone said.
BlockShopper also will have a new link for visitors curious about why Jones Day references come in a different format than all the other tie-ins appearing on the BlockShopper site. "We're going to link to a page that describes what happened in the lawsuit," Timpone said.
[We are deeply disappointed that Jones Day has decided to settle this case. Someone else please sue this piece of shit company out of existence... We need to get a class-action law suit going by everyone who feels their rights to privacy have been comprised by these selfish greedy scumbags. In the meantime please feel free to post any additional info you can find on Blockshopper scumbags Brian Timpone and Edward Weinhaus... what their personal problems are, who they or their wives are having affairs with, where their kids go to school, etc.]
Jones Day settles lawsuit against small Internet site, defendants say
February 11, 2009 17:19PM
A small Internet site says it has settled a lawsuit filed by the Jones Day law firm - a suit that ignited criticism from bloggers and free speech advocates across the country.
Jones Day wanted to stop, a real estate site, from linking to the law firm's Web site. Jones Day also claimed that Blockshopper's use of the firm's name without permission constituted trademark infringement.
Under the settlement, Blockshopper can continue to link to Jones Day's site, but it must use the firm's Web address as the link.
Blockshopper says it spent more than $100,000 defending itself against the lawsuit.
"They had no shot at winning, but they were going to bleed us dry," said co-founder [and complete piece of human filth] Brian Timpone, who described the settlement Wednesday.
Jones Day did not return calls requesting comment.
BlockShopper posts information from public records on residential sales in 11 U.S. markets. It adds to that brief articles about transactions involving lawyers, doctors and other buyers and sellers whose names show up in Google searches.
[I.e. Blockshopper scumbag pieces of crap Brian Timpone and Edward Edward Weinhaus mine pubic data and post it for their personal profit, with a complete and total disregard for personal privacy and the well being of others. Their "brief articles" are nothing more than a cheesy search engine optimization ploy that mines Linked-in and other personal profile information and posts it on their site to increase their internet traffic through key words.
This isn't a free speech issue, you morons — it's about privacy and not having your address show up in Google and having every jackass, stalker, and nutcase know where you and your family live. While it is true that the information may be posted on assessor's pages, these pages are not indexed by Google.
Furthermore, people concerned about their privacy spend thousands on trusts and LLC's to get their names off of assessor's sites - all a wasted effort thanks to these two f-ing punks. These a-holes don't give a crap about "free speech" - what they care about is making money at other people's expense, regardless of the consequences.
When someone gets raped, a kid gets abducted, or home gets burglarized because some criminal found their address through Blockshopper, LET'S MAKE SURE THESE TWO PIECES OF SHIT GET HELD PERSONALLY LIABLE FOR MAKING THIS PERSONAL INFORMATION APPEAR ON GOOGLE SEARCHES.]
Jones Day sued BlockShopper in August after it posted articles about Dan Malone Jr. and Jacob Tiedt, lawyers at its Chicago office who had recently bought condos. The articles linked to the lawyers' profile pages on the firm's 2,300-attorney site.
Jones Day asserted that the links could give viewers the mistaken impression that it endorsed BlockShopper or was affiliated with it.
Critics scoffed, saying that Jones Day's position was an attack on Blockshopper's First Amendment rights and jeopardized the common practice of linking from one Internet site to another.
The two sides talked about a settlement almost before the ink was dry on Jones Day's suit. Jones Day offered to drop its claim if BlockShopper stopped writing about its lawyers and paid $10,000, Timpone said. BlockShopper refused -- agreeing would have gutted its business model by laying it open to anyone who didn't like a BlockShopper link, he said.
BlockShopper in September offered to "make the link more literal" by including the law firm's Web address -- the terms agreed to this week, Timpone said. At the time, BlockShopper had incurred $10,000 in legal fees.
Jones Day rejected the plan. About four months later, a few weeks before the case was set for trial in Illinois, the two sides agreed to settle, Timpone said. By then BlockShopper had rung up $110,000 in legal fees.
[Piece of shit] Timpone said his 15-employee company made a business decision that it couldn't continue the fight.
"It's harrowing," he said. "I hope nobody has to go through what we went through."
[We'll do whatever we can to make sure that you'll be going through it again and again you F-ing prick.]
Under the settlement, provided to The Plain Dealer by BlockShopper attorney James Klenk, BlockShopper can publish links to Jones Day but they can't be "embedded links." Those are defined as hyperlinks that are placed on a word or name.
Instead, BlockShopper will have to place the Web address next to references to the firm. In other words, instead of writing Daniel P. Malone Jr. is an associate in the Chicago office of Jones Day," BlockShopper must write "Malone ( is an associate . . ." BlockShopper is permitted to use "deep links" to any Jones Day site. Those are links that directly access a specific page beyond the home page, such as attorneys' biographical pages. While the settlement may seem like a fig leaf, it still rankles digital rights proponents who say BlockShopper did nothing illegal.
Links are "one of the accepted methods of dissemination of information on the Internet," Klenk said.
Paul Levy [another complete moron who can't distinguish between free speech and privacy rights], a lawyer with the consumer group Public Citizen, encouraged people to "replicate the lesson to Jones Day" by posting hyperlinks to the firm "as a way of daring, 'Big boy, try it again.'" While the case was pending, BlockShopper agreed to remove links to the condo-buying associates in Chicago.
Now those postings will go back up, along with listings of property transactions by other Jones Day lawyers, [pathetic loser] Timpone said.
BlockShopper also will have a new link for visitors curious about why Jones Day references come in a different format than all the other tie-ins appearing on the BlockShopper site. "We're going to link to a page that describes what happened in the lawsuit," Timpone said.
[We are deeply disappointed that Jones Day has decided to settle this case. Someone else please sue this piece of shit company out of existence... We need to get a class-action law suit going by everyone who feels their rights to privacy have been comprised by these selfish greedy scumbags. In the meantime please feel free to post any additional info you can find on Blockshopper scumbags Brian Timpone and Edward Weinhaus... what their personal problems are, who they or their wives are having affairs with, where their kids go to school, etc.]
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